Become an LFL School

    2024 LFL Participating Schools     

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Become a LFL School

The pressure is on to get all your third grade students to pass the FAST (Florida Assessment of Student Thinking) reading and language arts exam and be able to promote them to fourth grade. That is why we are offering you an easy-to-access program that takes little effort to facilitate—and that effort will generate results for your at-risk students who need a little extra support with their reading skills.

  • This is a free service.
  • Students receive one-on-one tutoring from a local professional.
  • Tutoring sessions are designed to meet the reading needs of each student through a partnership between school staff and LFL.
  • We will work with your staff to make this program an easy fit for your school; sessions are most often held near or over the 3rd grade lunch period which aligns with the lunch hour for most of our tutors.

For more information contact us